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We have been expressing the joy of color by producing vibrant tie-dyed clothing and accessories since 1989. Choose from over 150 different tie-dyed items, including t-shirts, tanktops, sweats, dresses, pants, hats, baby clothes, sheets, socks, underwear, lab coats, scrubs, wall hanging and lots more!    Visit our departments: NEW ITEMS!Shirts and TopsDresses and SkirtsJackets and CoverupsPants and ShortsSocks and UnderwearInfant/Toddler ClothingYouth Clothing LabCoats and ScrubsAccessoriesBed, Bath and KitchenMiscellaneous
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Socks and Underwear
Tie dyed from the inside out...
don't leave home without your clean tie dyed unders...
we have lots of choices!
To view color and pattern choices, to to the photo gallery
and just imagine the colors on your socks and underwear....
No-Show SocksCotton Socks, AdultBamboo Socks, AdultKnee High SocksThigh High Socks, WomensSports Bra Womens Hi- Cut UnderwearWomens Bikini UnderwearMens brief Mens Boxer Brief Mens BoxerMens Knit Cotton BoxerCotton Leggings, Unisex SizingCotton/Lycra LeggingsLeg WarmersUnion Suit (Adult Onesie)Kids Union SuitBaby SocksChildrens SocksGirls BriefsBoys Briefs Boys Knit Boxers Boys Boxer BriefsDiaper CoverWomen's Cotton/Spandex Leotard
Cotton Socks, Adult
cotton socks, adult
PRICE $10.00

Mens and womens all cotton socks for happy, dancing feet. Womens socks are for shoe size 6-8.5; mens socks fit up to size 12 shoe, size 13 is stretching it.

Pictured here is a Verticle Stripes pattern in Rainbow colors.


Tye-Dye Everything © 2025 | 527 Main St. Moscow Idaho 83843 | 208.883.4779 | info@tyedye-everything.com
Designed & Hosted by First Step Internet | 208.882.8869 | www.fsr.com